poppy1The village of Beaulieu is commemorating the one hundred year anniversary of the end of the First World War with a stunning display of poppies in the Twinning Garden, situated in the High Street.

The Parish Council have arranged for the children at the Beaulieu poppy5Village Primary School to each make a poppy which are being planted in the Twinning Garden on Monday November 5th so that they will be in situ during the week leading up to Remembrance Day on Sunday November 11th

The children have made 109 poppies which are designed to turn the Twinning Garden into a Garden of Remembrance for the week and we hope will be a fitting tribute to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. It will also have importantly involved local children who will have gained an understanding of the sacrifices made by previous generations. Twenty six of the poppies will have a plaque on them with the names of those who died during the First World War taken from the East Boldre and Beaulieu War Memorial. One poppy will be dedicated to ‘the fallen of Hautvillers’, the French village twinned with Beaulieu. The plaques have been beautifully written by the older children from the school who will then plant them in the Twinning Garden on Monday November 5th.

The Beauileu Twinning Association have very kindly sponsored the cost of making the poppies which has only been made possible by the hard work that Councillor Lindy Shanks has put into the project from designing the poppies to helping the children construct them.

poppy3 poppy4 poppy2 We hope that as many of you as possible will come during the week to view what should be a memorable sight.